Montgomery County Democratic Party Takes Public Stance Against Greg

Abbott’s Private Voucher Scheme

Montgomery County Democratic Party Takes Public Stance Against Greg

Abbott’s Private Voucher Scheme

Montgomery County Democratic Party Takes Public Stance Against Greg

Abbott’s Private Voucher Scheme

Montgomery County Democratic Party Takes Public Stance Against Greg

Abbott’s Private Voucher Scheme

October 10, 2023 – Press Release

October 10, 2023
Montgomery County Democratic Party Takes Public Stance Against Greg

Abbott’s Private Voucher Scheme

Conroe, Texas — This week the Montgomery County Democratic Party Executive
Committee took a strong public stance against Greg Abbott’s private voucher scheme that
will redistribute tax dollars from working families to line the pockets of ultra-wealthy
Republican campaign donors and destroy rural economies by defunding public schools.
The Montgomery County Democratic Executive Committee consists of elected leaders from
voting precincts across Montgomery County.

Ginger Blair, Chair of the Montgomery County Democratic Party, issued the
following statement:

“Montgomery County Democratic Party leaders issued an unequivocal statement in
opposition to private school voucher schemes being pushed by Abbott, Patrick, and Cancun
Cruz in the upcoming special session of the Texas Legislature, planned for this October.
“We expect Democratic legislators to fight for our values, our platform, our schools, our
teachers and students – and the only way Texas Democratic legislators can fight for our
schools, students, and teachers is by fighting back against this money grab and voting
against any voucher bill proposed in the Texas House or Senate during the special

The Texas Constitution is also crystal clear – Texas is meant to have free public schools for
every single child. The Abbott voucher scheme would, in effect, defund public schools in
urban and rural school districts and redistribute existing public funding to pay for lavish
private schools, with no public accountability for taxpayer dollars.

In no uncertain terms – our Texas Democratic Platform echoes the importance of free,
quality public education, fighting for teachers, and making our schools safer. Greg Abbott
and his cronies are working overtime, spending millions of dollars to feed lies to
hardworking Texans across our state – but Texans are too smart to buy the bullshit. I’m
proud of our county’s Democratic executive committee for taking this strong, swift action to
fight back against the scourge of school vouchers.”


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